I'm a single mum with an 8 month old and a toddler and breakfast is mayhem. The baby has porridge, I microwave up some Readybrek with whole milk for him. I'm usually trying to eat some cereal while I feed him, shreddies or rice krispies. My two and a half year old likes eggs, usually scrambled but sometimes soft-boiled with soldiers. If it's scrambled I bung a bowl in the microwave and do it the fast way. We eat wholemeal bread most of the time, but sometimes I spoil them with white bread. Most of the time my cereal ends up forgotten and soggy, you feed and clean the baby, check Maisie is eating her eggs, and then it's time to head to playgroup. After I drop them off I go to the office and have a cup of tea and a cereal bar when I check my emails. At the weekend? Well, it's more chilled, I guess. I let the kids watch a cartoon in the morning, and I sometimes even manage to finish my breakfast! (laughs). If it's a special day, like a birthday, Maisie and I have croissants. She loves the chocolate ones. I love them to bits, but it will be nice when the baby's older and meals are less messy!